The desire to appropriate a classic accessory of the European everyday is at the heart of LACOURSIÈRE "filets à provisions."

The careful elaboration of the string bags, selection of quality materials and judicious choice of colours respect the origins of the product while also actualizing this traditional object for contemporary uses in a spirit of sustainable development. 

The LACOURSIÈRE market bag is the result of a local, artisanal production. Every string bag is crocheted by hand. Made entirely of high quality cotton grown in the United States, spun and dyed in Québec, the thread used confers its solidity to the string bag, while the crocheting technique allows for stretching.

Considering its use -"faire les courses" meaning "grocery shopping"- the name LACOURSIÈRE suits the string bag perfectly. For its designer Guylaine Cloutier, it's also a reference to her maternal ancestors.